Milk&Cookies in all has six groups: two baby groups, two toddler groups and two preschooler groups. The babies in one particular baby group differ in age by a maximum of six months. This means that they experience the same development phases simultaneously, so that they can move up to the subsequent toddler group and preschooler group together. This joint moving up determines the times when we can welcome new groups of children.
Emotional safety
For a child, emotional safety is one of the most important conditions for development. A sense of insecurity causes stress and stress can disturb or decelerate development. In addition, stress is simply an unpleasant experience for a child. Unfortunately, regular childcare often causes stress (Onderzoek babyopvang - Research baby care). The causes are for instance the size of the group and frequent changes in the group of educational staff members. By working with fixed educational staff members and small groups, Milk&Cookies guarantees a great feeling of safety and stability.