Milk&Cookies – purely for children
We have moved to the Acaciastraat 182 in The Hague!
Our website will be updated soon.
Welcome to Milk&Cookies, childcare as it should be! We are purely focussed on young children (0 to 4 years). Purely, because for us your child’s interests and your interests form centre stage.
Milk&Cookies offers
- A childcare centre where children grow up together for four years, so that they feel completely accustomed to eachother.
- Permanent educational staff members who will accompany the children when they go to their next group.
- Small baby groups with their own bedrooms.
- Groups in which the maximum age difference between the children is six months, which strengthens friendships and makes it possible to provide an age-specific day programme.
Organic food and care products.
- A offer of activities, starting from the baby group, with for instance music, dance and yoga.
- Extra challenges for children aged 3-4 years, as a playful preparation for primary school.
- Group rooms that are completely attuned to the children’s various age phases, and equipped withsustainable playing materials.
- Extensive opening hours: 7.30 a.m. until 7 p.m.
- More educational staff members per group than is required by law.
- A magnificent outside space with a natuurtuin and vegetable garden.
- Extra service a coffee bar for parents
- Flexibility in exchanging days and taking extra days.
We are looking forward to getting to know you and your baby, toddler or preschooler!